Happy Thanksgiving!

It's that time of year!  When we gather with our families to eat, drink and be merry.  

We also gather to give side eyes, sigh heavily and hide in the bathroom.  

Now, if you live in a Christmas card and your family is perfect, I want you to enjoy that! It's truly a beautiful thing.

To the rest of us, hang in there.  We're going to make it.  The holidays can be a very stressful time for people.  I don't have to tell you that, that's not news.  There will be hundreds of articles out just in time to help you cope with the anxiety.  I'd like to tell you that it's OK NOT to be joyful when seeing that one aunt whom you dislike.  Your weird uncle doesn't need to tolerated.

If you're hosting this year, you are in control on the guest list.  

Don't invite people into your home if you don't absolutely want to see them.  

You're going to be cooking all day, hot and sweaty; stressing over the seating chart and here comes your mom with the cousin she found down the street?  Nah.  Now, if the person is already there, you have enough food AND you can stand the extra body heat; hey the more the merrier.  However, if you had a very specific plan and someone is bringing tagalongs.  No.  You can't sit with us!  Tell the family member who brought them that this is your house and your party,  YOU decide who stays.

I know people who are not inviting their parents to dinner.  I get it! If you know your parents are toxic why marinate in that on purpose?  Because the calendar told you to? Negative.  The holidays belong to you too! You should be able to enjoy yourself and not have to deal with the mental acrobats of deflecting back handed compliments or outright hateful actions.  Don't do it.

But, it's the holidays! A time to come together! Not if we don't vibe the entire rest of the year. Call me mean if you want; I've been called worse. However, best believe I'm enjoying my holiday while others are just trying to survive.  

So whatever you do, be it ramen noodles or a five course event, make sure YOU are enjoying yourself.  


P.S. Eat everything! The gym will be there this weekend 😉 

