Well..Hello There! You found this little weird place of Joy.
Let me tell you a little bit about myself because you're here so you should know...
I live in NYC, (BK All Day!) I like comics, high tops, making funny voices and dancing. Seriously, I’ve been known to just break out into impromptu choreo for no reason, it’s a thing.
My favorite X-Man is Storm and I believe the Power Rangers helped shape my views on teamwork and sharing. The Macho Man Randy Savage is my spirit animal (sequins cloaks and rambling monologues? Here for it!) and I can't twerk in a split or own a Berkin but I'm still a good person! What fires me up? Seeing everybody WIN! I love working with people to help them see what I see in them: a person with every possibility to be the fullest, best selves.
Achieving that can be hard. Sometimes it seems like you ain't shit if you don't have a pair of red bottoms, can't contour like Kimmy Cakes or aren't being bankrolled by a hustler.
But you are!
I am!
The Shit that is...erm, ok that was awkward. You’re awesome!
I'm a Square with Curves. Squares are out here doing what needs to be done in order to make themselves happy. They're jumping over hurdles and overcoming almost insurmountable obstacles to find their happy place. However, Squares can fall through the cracks when it comes to getting their shine and we need love too so I'll be using this platform to share with you. I welcome you to share with me as well.
If it's quirky, nerdy, artsy, creative, colorful lets get into it! Maybe it's not any of those things, maybe it's just you being you.
I created this little spot so that we can come together and have a safe space to be ourselves. But you may be asking yourself, “What is a Square?”
A Square is a woman who is getting it done by her own means with an unapologetic streak of staying true to herself. Now, "getting it done" can mean a lot of things: going to school, going to work, paying your bills, taking care of your children, starting a new business, getting a divorce, leaving a terrible relationship, allowing a new (good) person to love you, balancing your budget, following your dreams, finding yourself. A Square isn't waiting for anyone to fix her life. A Square knows that she's in charge of her happy and she needs to constantly be vigilant in its care.
Her sexuality is her own, her sensuality is subtle. Because of her passions, she's been called :
However, she isn't any of those things. She's proactive. She's creative and most importantly, she's strong. She may not be in the club every weekend and she's packing her lunch because she needs to save her coins. She's grinding to make the moves to get herself to the next level (whatever level that may be).
So...embrace it, be a Square. Be who YOU are, in the face of a world who would like nothing more than for you to believe that YOU are the problem. YOU are the weak one, YOU can't hack it.
That's not the truth, the truth is you're one of the most dangerous people out here. You're a woman. One with a goal and ambition. YOU are a problem.
Be YOU because there's only one.
So talk to me! Twitter, Instagram, tumblr. Shout me!
The season of the square is upon us