It's time for a little star shine on a Square. Raquel "Rocky" Harris" is out here slaying the scene!
I met Rocky about 4 years ago through a mutual friend and she was sweet, friendly and energetic. When we met, I was immediately drawn to her because she was one of two African American women who I saw training in Kickboxing/Muay Thai. I immediately knew they were special. The other woman is Angela Hill who just won her most recent fight in the UFC.
Belt almost as big as her!
Years have gone by and Rocky is now a 6 time Champion; one of those just happens to be a World Gold Medal. I've watched her grow on Facebook and now she owns her own business with her boyfriend, a fellow fighter. Together, they run Strike'ng Fitness; a Boxing, Kickboxing and Muay Thai training program in Manhattan. I see her doing the damn thing so I just HAD to reach out to her to touch base and see what life has been like for her recently.
We met up on a sunny evening over tea and just had girl talk. We talked about cutting negative people out of your life, sticking with your gut, being worried about where your next dollar is coming from and having the strength to accept help when you need it.
She recounted how it was hard for her to start her business. She tried working for others but it just wasn't the move. At one point, she worked at a gym for six weeks but was never paid. Ain't nobody got time for that! So she took it as a sign that she needed to get her own thing going. However, getting people to spend money on you is hard and convincing people that they need you is even harder but she took a chance and started advertising on Groupon. That's where she got a single hit! Just one client. But you know what? One thing that really struck me was when she talked about opening up and telling her Facebook friends about her new business:
"Everyone on my Facebook is my friend, none of my friends are going to work out with me. But I posted a special and I got new 3 clients and from there I got referrals."
That doubt is in everyone isn't it? Even when I started Squares, I would think, "Ugh, my friends aren't going to want to share this, let me not bother them". We tend to think that our talents, passions, etc. aren't going to be appreciated or embraced by our closest circle. Like it's old hat so I'm not going to bother them! However, I've found they are the first to celebrate and help you! Your friends (the real ones) want to see you succeed and will support you.
Raquel with a client
Through Facebook and referrals, Rocky went from that single client to now having so many that she's met her financial goal. She has set larger goals for herself; one being owning her own gym. Listening to her discuss her ideas for her future gym are endearing and inspiring because you can tell from her enthusiasm that she's really going to make this gym happen and it's going to be lit!
When I asked her if she ever had an "A-ha Moment" that made her change her way of thinking or made her realize she needed to make a major change; she recounted a situation where she had a toxic client. One whom she trained at 6 am and was just a surly, rude emotional vampire.
Say What?!
Side note: I really don't understand people who pay for personal trainers and then have attitudes with said personal trainers. Hello?! You are paying this person to train you, YOU requested this time, lol! I don't know about ya'll but if I'm paying someone to train me, especially at the ass crack of dawn, we gonna train as hard as possible, I need my money's worth!
Rocky realized that this person was affecting her not only emotionally because she felt drained and frustrated after dealing with her, but this client was affecting her sales because she wouldn't perform as well as she could throughout the day because Rocky wouldn't be her best self because she was drained from this client at 6 am:
Let's kick it...
"Once I stood up for myself and fired her, I feel like I was blessed and got another client. I wasn't tired throughout the day, I was a much happier person".
She realized that she needed to stand up for herself and not let anyone dictate how she would feel. She knew she needed to take control of the situation and remove this person from her work environment, in turn making her a better person to be around. What did I tell you? You've got to snip these negative people out of your lives, especially when they are affecting your pocket. That's what makes Squares unique. We know when we need to leave a situation/person well enough alone. If all it does is vex you, you need to cut it!
We wrapped up after talking hair and boys, she needed to catch up on Game of Thrones and I needed to catch up on Power. Squares need their shows! In the meantime, if you need to get in shape and want to support a small business; hit up Strike'ng Fitness. Check her credentials....fancy af!
Got a Square to nominate? Hit me up here and let me know! I love meeting new Squares.