Vacation Vibes — Square with Curves

Vacation Vibes

Salutations Squares!

Punta Cana Paradise

Punta Cana Paradise

I'm finally back into a semblance of a work groove after a much needed vacation. What I thought was going to be a trip filled with activity and heat and family drama, (I feel like every family trip has a chance to go left so I mentally prepare myself for the worst while trying to enjoy myself) turned into one of the best vacations I've had so far.

I stayed at  Iberostar Suites in Punta Cana; it wasn't my first time there and it won't be my last. Everything is taken care of for you, which helps put you in vacation mode.  I am partial to all inclusive resorts because I don't want to do too much thinking on vacation.  Give me all the wristbands and release me into the wild.  I don't want to worry about carrying cash or cards or anything like that.  It's too hot! Just let me feel exclusive and wealthy for a couple of days. Money is of no concern! Just charge it to the room; lay out the fruits and food and let me have at it when I want, lol.  Also, don't regulate my booze, just give me what I want, when I want it.  Who has time to think of such a gauche and trivial thing as money? (Me?! I do! All the time! I want to know what I'm paying for, but it's vacation so hush brain, hush!) 

this technicolor fruit tho?!

this technicolor fruit tho?!

Since I knew I was going to eat everything in sight, I packed my workout clothes and planned to be working out every morning before hitting the breakfast buffet and the beach.  I would have a really healthy breakfast of fresh fruits and juices and then run across the beach because I should take advantage of the new traction and the beautiful scenery...yea, that didn't happen exactly that way.  

I promise you.  My heart was pure with the intention to work out every day.  It was full of good intentions but the tropical vibes enveloped me, they seduced me and told me that my cardio was to walk from my suite to the beach, then lay on said beach and drink mojitos.  Then for some HIIT action I was to go out and float in the clear blue sea.  i had no choice, i was held prisoner by the island, who am i to fight it?

This new life exhausted me day in and day out.  I would sleep like I was in a coma. Then go to breakfast and eat my weight in mangoes.  I ate lobster and bread and coconuts and fresh fish and more mangoes. I just let go and let God.... Although, I didn't step foot in the gym, my diet was so full of fresh EVERYTHING that my waist line actually shrunk.  (Don't even get me started on how food in the U.S. is engineered to make us sick, tired and fat, that's another post altogether). You see that fruit over there? --->  This was available all day, it was fresh and juicy and just everything my body needed to survive.  I need this fruit here!  Island fruit just tastes better on islands.  

Coco Locos never ran empty...

Coco Locos never ran empty...

Letting go of all those "need to do's" was just what I needed.  I let myself do whatever I wanted and if that was just moving from one beach chair to another and snoozing for hours, I did just that. I ate everything I wanted, fully knowing that I would have to put in the work to get the extra lbs off when I got back home,  (but also who cares? I'm gonna get Rhianna Thick and make it work!) but with that resolution I just let go and did everything I wanted; when I wanted to do it.  Sometimes, just taking yourself out of your routine is a nice reset. Having that disconnection really made a difference.  



When I say disconnection you might think I mean technology as well.  I took too many pictures and was on the Gram checking on my friends and sending inappropriate DMs you know....casual.  So there definitely wasn't an embargo on technology or social media.  Stuntin' on the gram was a lot of fun because for that particular moment in time, it was my real life.  It was also a deviation from my usual routine.   I don't post as much as I should.  I tend to not have the perfect picture of a moment because I'm busy enjoying it but during this vacation I made sure to get as many selfies as possible, made as many InstaStories as I could keep up with.  Looking back, I have some incredible memories and thirst traps to send people (hee hee hee) 

I came back from this vacation physically exhausted because you know, living the life of an unemployed islander who lives in a suite and has people taking care of the grounds and has meals at the ready at all times is HARD, YOU GUYS!

What I noticed when I came back is that although I was physically tired (retraining my body to wake up to an alarm instead of when it wants to, was messing with me) my brain was sharp.  I was ready to jump into my city life again.  I was ready to get back on the grind. The change of scenery was a big help but I don't think it's the most important detail.  I think it was giving myself the time I needed to follow my own rules.  Take the time to do what you want to do.  I know it can be hard; especially when you're confronted with the issue of feeling like you're wasting a day.  It's not a waste if you're working on something that makes you feel good.  We tend to think we'll have time to rest later...we have to care of all the responsibilities NOW and later we'll relax. 

Maybe you can't go on vacation right now, that's OK, you can do this locally.  You don't need to disconnect from your physical location; you don't NEED to disconnect from everything, I think that may induce more anxiety actually.  However, disconnecting yourself from your regular routine is what really counts. Only read before bed?  Read in the middle of the day.  Only workout in the morning?  Workout in the evening. Just switch it up. Take a day and do whatever it is YOU want to do.  Maybe that's staying in bed all day.  Maybe going to a museum or trying that new eatery.  Just take a day(s) and treat yourself to time. Take the time to enjoy yourself.  Don't police yourself on what you SHOULD do, just do what you have the capacity to do that day and consider it a success. 

I gotta get back to making this money so I can go back to my vacation...

just a little siesta...

just a little siesta...

What are your vacation vibes?
