It's been a year. A whole year, since we've started this journey together. The time has gone way too quickly. This time last year, I was so nervous to start this blog. Scared to share so much of myself. Would people get it? Would they care? Would people like it and respond? This past year has showed me that the answer to those questions is a resounding YES.
I've gotten so much support from everyone; it's truly humbling. My cheeks still get hot when someone says they read something on here and it's resonated with them. It makes me happy because I knew I wasn't alone. I knew there were so many others, just like me! We're here just trying to get our lives together one day at a time.
Squares has grown, she's a year old. I look back on some of the older posts and I want to give that girl a high five. I've changed in a year of course, so to look back and see my thoughts in black, white and pink :) and see what I was thinking is such a cathartic thing. I see where my head was at that moment. Did I grow from it? Or am I still struggling. It keeps me accountable. I can type a huge missive about being positive and living your best life, but am I practicing what I preach? Am I letting go of hang ups? I'm trying to. Am I still letting boys irk me sometimes? yes. Am I drinking my water and doing my squats? Not as much as I should, but that summer body coming back, you'll cash me ousside how bout dah! - sorry, had to!
The gist is: I'm still trying and I hope you are too. I want this to be a place where we all can come together and let it all be what it is. Let's just celebrate the fact that we're still alive and able to take control of what makes us happy. In that spirit, I went back and chose one photo from each month in the past year, that represents, to me, me living up to my Squareness. I hope you'll be here with me to celebrate year two and beyond.
The Season of the Square is still upon us.
Jan. Winter Storm Juno...sometimes you gotta fall with a flourish
Feb. Saying Yes to a new experience...fresh pasta anyone?
Mar. Photoshoot Fun!
Apr. We're on a boat! Dad's Bday at Sea
May - Miami Magic
Jun - Getting in Formation with Friends
Jul. Boozy Brunches that turn into Divey Dinners
Aug. Toronto with Bestie
Sept. Gig Life Gag! 90s Fest Baewatch Badass
Sept gets two for my Bday: Cancun Coolness
Oct. Halloween Havoc
Nov. Giving thanks for sunrises
Dec. We all get a podcast!
Jan. Crikey G'DayMate!