I've been told that I have a very positive outlook. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside when I'm told I made someone feel better by looking at the "sunny side of the street". My friends have even questioned how I stay so calm and stress-free. HOW SWAY?
I don't. Sometimes there's a pit of molten poisonous lava where my heart should be. There are days when I'd like to watch the world burn and laugh as it crumbled. I want to crush the dreams of the wicked and push children to the ground...but then I have something to eat.
Seriously though, I have bad days, but I think allowing myself to have them, really lessens the number of them. I don't try to minimize my feelings when I have them. I let them take over and run their course. It's much easier than trying to hinder or sugarcoat them. If I'm stressed, I will STRESS. I marinate in it, I let myself be in the moment. Same with sadness, anger, hurt, betrayal...the works. These emotions are like a rip current. The more you try to fight it, the farther you get away from shore. The more you fight, the more scared you get; you panic. Then you get tired and you drown in it. But if you swim with it, parallel to it, you can find your way out of it. You can make your way back to land. That's how I feel about those bad days. Let them happen. Don't tell yourself to "get it together", go ahead and fall apart.
Yes, every day is a gift, but some of them are better than others. It doesn't make you ungrateful, it just makes you alive. Sometimes you just have to give up on a day and let it go. That happened to me recently. Nothing was going my way: and I kept telling myself I could still salvage the day. I felt even more frustrated when I couldn't! So I said, "F it... Give up on this day. It cannot be saved. Cry, eat, rage do whatever, then go to sleep and tomorrow is tomorrow.
Maybe I just needed rest but the next day, I reassessed and got back to what it is I needed to do. I got back on my grind. One day didn't set me back because I let all those feelings run through me without filter. After a while, the problems just don't seem that big anymore because you start to see solutions. It's like when Neo saw the world in code. It just happens. You see the holes you need to plug up, the areas you need to tighten up or the things you need to let go. It becomes clear and you realize, it really isn't that serious because you can find a way. There is always a way.
You don't need to be happy 24/7 to be "following your bliss" or "living in the moment", sometimes the moment sucks and you have to deal with it. Just realize that at the end of the day, it's really not that deep. Someone will always have it worse than you. Always. So have your moment and keep it moving.
You ARE the one...