Why do I have to choose between being cordial, polite or congenial and being a stone cold robot who will not make eye contact in order to get to where I need to go?
Let me take a step back....the weather is getting warmer (read:hot) and everyone's out and about enjoying the weather. Everyone is wearing less layers and all those winter workouts are paying off. With that said, Catcalling Season is in full effect. Men start their mating calls of "Hey Ma!, Pssst, Pssst, Aye! The one with the pants, Smile, Beautiful. Mira que belleza! Aye mami!" or the always enticing: some sort of growling or tongue wagging. These guys are pretty gross because A) Stop B) Women are not dressing for you C) Does that really work for you? and D) Yuck!
Positively swooning now that you've called me over like an animal. Sigh...
I feel, that as a woman, I have to put a lot more thought into my outfits than men. Not just for style but for safety. Which is pretty sad overall. I have to think of the logistics of where I'm going and who will be there.
I've picked out an outfit several times and have said, "Nope, not this, you need to wear this with a man on your arm."
I've planned outfits around, how am I getting to the party? Who will I be with? How am I getting back? Can I protect myself? These thoughts flood my mind trying to figure out what to wear. Just the outfit; because I know if I wear this, I WILL have to deal with an onslaught of comments or worse.
For some reason, a woman can't go outside wearing her bodycon dress that she's taped into without a man feeling he has the right to touch her. I've seen it too many times. Guys (not all of you, I now) think that garbage is cute and it isn't. It's not attractive to be hemmed up in a corner by a guy that doesn't get that you are here to enjoy yourself NOT to be sensory overload for him.
These actions do not make you endearing to women. It doesn't make you persistent, it makes you a herb.
Is it so much to ask guys just enjoy the show in silence? It's ok, really. I don't want to hear about how you would looooovee to give me a reason to smile. Or how you need a piece of my ass. Or you know, anything for that matter. I just want to get where I'm going in peace.
Like, I said the weather has been warmer and cooperating with plans and outfits, so I'm quite excited. I was walking around the blocks this past weekend, two men walk past me and one said, "Good Morning" I responded with "Good Morning " and kept it moving. This man, called after me for about 90 seconds as I walked away. It was a GOOD MORNING, leave it alone! What gets me is, it can be done. I have brothers and they have friends, and I've heard them say "Hello, Hey, Good Morning" to women and if she keeps going, off she goes. Peacefully into the world and out of their line of sight. There's a way to approach a woman, making inarticulate sounds or gesturing isn't really the way. Which brings me to the question "Why I gotta be rude?" So I have to either ignore you so I can go on my merry way or respond in kind and you think that is an invitation to try your best lines on me. Negative. Just take the pleasantry for what it is. A gesture of humanity.
Are you girls mean mugging on these streets on purpose so you look uninviting? I know I do it. Let me know. Or better yet, HOLLA AT ME! :)