New Year, New Me...Again
Some people have had the same resolutions they had 3 years ago. Unless those resolutions are:
- Give more to charity
- Live in the moment more and enjoy life
- Continue to be happy
With the entrance of a new year, optimism and enthusiasm are at an all-time high. We want to wipe the slate clean and begin again. I personally, love this concept of new beginnings. I think it works if you, yourself believe it. Time seems almost irrelevant these days, it feels like it was Halloween two weeks ago and July will be here in six, you need to act now.
A popular resolution is weight loss or a healthier lifestyle. You get that new gym membership and you buy all the new gear but by February, it’s snowing, it’s cold, it's cuffing season — the gym bag falls by the wayside and then comes April and now you have to start working on your summer body. Don’t do it to yourself. Make it a lifestyle change. Ugh, this is coming off really preachy! Sorry, that’s not what I’m going for. I just want you to know that you are in charge of you. You are in charge of your happy. So if you’re happy is a new waistline, take the steps to get there.
Start small —
- More water, less soda (seltzer really helps, it gets me through, when I need the carbonation)
- English muffin instead of a bagel (I love me a good bagel, so this is hard for me ;) I know others cut out carbs entirely but I can't do that because as my dad says "Flour never sours" around me.
- Walk 15 minutes a day. You spend 20 minutes on Instagram, believe me, you can still like everything later :) Then increase it weekly. You’ll notice the difference and be so hyped you’ll want to keep doing it and adding more to it. You might start to jog, even run! It’s endorphins, it’s like science or whatever :)
- I know everyone is a personal trainer nowadays so obviously I'm qualified to give you these tips,lol
Another popular resolution is wanting to travel more. You want to get to the distant paradise you’ve always dreamed of?
Start small --
- First, get your passport. I know it sounds redundant but a lot of people don’t have one. Get to the post office, get the application and get your money orders together, its 2016, dammit it’s time to broaden those horizons.
- Spend less on tanks and more on banks - I don’t spend a lot on clothes, I REALLY like a sale. Also, a $3 tank top looks great in front of the Colosseum in Rome or in Hyde Park in London, it just does!
- Spend your money at the bank. Pay yourself and save it like you owe it. Even if it’s just $20 a week. That’s $1040 a year, not counting the interest, that’s more than enough for a plane ticket to Germany!
Update: A round trip ticket to Dubai is going to $650….yea...I’ll be Periscoping from the back of a camel soon! byyyyyyeeeeeee
One of my goals this year is to become a better driver. I can’t get on the highway without major flop sweat. Have any tips you’d like to share with me? I’m open to suggestions :)
What are some of your goals this year?
Tell me in the comments below!