new job — SWCBlog — Square with Curves

new job

"It's not me, it's you." -- Monday

No one ever said "Ugh, what a terrible Monday!"  while they'e on vacation or spending some quality time with friends, or indulging in a hobby.  Nope, that just comes when it's time to go to work.

As the quote says, "It's not Mondays that suck, it's your job."  It's true, if you start having "Sunday Scaries" (the dread and anxiety that creeps in on Sunday because you know Monday will be here soon) it's time to look for a new gig.  Perhaps you're not being fulfilled.  You're not being challenged enough.  Maybe you're bored or it could be, you hate all your coworkers and it is mentally and physically taxing on your body and soul to interact with these nitwits and not defenestrate them!  Can you tell, I've been there?  Also, look up Defenestrate - it is my favorite word. Just...look it up :)

Anyway, if I've just scratched the surface let's think about getting a new job.  You spend a minimum of 8 hours (I know people who put in close to 12 and 16 hours, even more) at this place, you have to like it.  You're spending most of your time there so why do something you hate? Now, I know you're saying, "well, that's easier said than done! I've got to pay these bills, I've got to take what I can get".  And you're right, it's very easy to SAY.  However, don't use that as an excuse to stay stagnant.  Wherever you are now, use the off time to look for the next opportunity.  Talk to people who have jobs they enjoy and ask them WHY they enjoy them.

I usually feel this at least twice a day at my desk, and sometimes it actually happens! Well, not the table part, but I will bust a move.

I usually feel this at least twice a day at my desk, and sometimes it actually happens! Well, not the table part, but I will bust a move.

The job I have now does not align with my passions, at all...BUT, I still enjoy my job.  I like going to work, I don't come home sullen and stressed.  I feel like people tend to confuse that.  If I'm not following my dream or working in exactly the field I WANT, then everything sucks anyway and I might as just stick to this job I hate. Negative, if you can't make your passion your day job then have your day job bankroll your passion. You should have enough energy and enthusiasm at the end of the workday to work on your own hustle/side gig/grind.  Figure out why you hate your current job:

Office dynamic/People


No Challenge/Boredom

No Growth Opportunity


These things aren't really attached to a specific field.  However, these details factor into job satisfaction.  Pay is good but the people suck.  The people are great but you're bored.  The pay is low but your coworkers are basically your family.  The commute is way too long.  The commute is perfect but you're staring at the next 20 years of your life doing the same exact thing.  There are many combinations to this.  What I'm trying to say is:  "What's bothering you?"  Once you figure that out, talk to people and highlight the things you NEED in a new job...because we ALL want more money that's a given, but are you willing to perhaps take a small pay cut but work with a great team?  Maybe you're willing to travel farther if you can see a promotion in a year.  One of my dear friends has nearly a 2 hour commute to and from work everyday but she does it because she loves her job.  This is what I mean!

I think this table represents everything I felt at my last job....every. day. 

I think this table represents everything I felt at my last job....every. day. 

It may be rough to make the transition but once you make it and start working at a place you enjoy, the world gets better.  Honestly, it changes your whole outlook on everything.  Less stress at work means less stress in other areas of your life, because you're not bringing that toxicity with you everywhere you go. It really makes a difference and the only reason you'll roll your eyes at Monday is because you know you're going to see all the memes going up while you're on your way in, looking forward to a productive week.  Hold up, that's a lie, you'll definitely roll your eyes at something else, it's NYC, there's always something :)  

Tell me what you don't like about your job below.  I can keep secrets :)

