A couple of years ago, The Weeknd, SchoolboyQ and Jhene Aiko went out on a tour. This dream lineup was something I wanted to see. This was at a time when the three of them were just on the cusp of their respective stardom/hits. I missed it.
I had bought tickets for my boyfriend at that time but we broke up and like a punk, I didn't want to go by myself. So I sold them. Sure, I got the cash but missing that concert stuck with me.
Each artist went on to be bigger so I knew something like that wasn't going to come around any time soon again, I mentally kicked myself for a long time after that.
Starboy Mothership
After that, I decided that if I wanted to see an artist and couldn't find anyone to go with me...
I would just go.
Ever since then, I've been to a couple of concerts by myself and I have to say: It's pretty fun. I know you may think, "Ugh, by yourself?! But who do you talk to?!" Well, think about it...concerts are a place where the biggest fans of a particular artist congregate. You are all there for the same reason. The Artist. It's the ultimate ice breaker, so I usually just start with a "Hi!" If you're cool, people will usually be cool with you too. The conversation usually goes something like: "OMG, I can't wait to hear xyz song!" "I know me too! Or abc, that remix is crazy." The topic of discussion is the easiest because you're all fanning for the same person. I find it's the easiest place to make friends. You already know you both have the same taste in music! I've gotten included in countless drink rounds and group pics at concerts. People will just ask, do you want a drink? I usually decline because I don't want to get shitfaced at a concert and then not remember it :) but all in all, its a very nice experience. If you allow yourself to just feel the music and enjoy the vibe.
The next day, due to social media my conversations go like this:
"Did you go to so and so's concert?"
"Yup and it was EVERYTHING!"
"Who'd you go with?"
"By myself."
I get very surprised looks and a "good for you!" or a "I wish I could do that" My response is, you should try it! It's fun. When you break it down; you talk to your friends before the show and take all the pics, then the show starts and you're in your own world singing at the top of your lungs, then at the end you guys hustle out of the arena and head home. You're so emotionally spent after the show you don't talk much, or ya'll blast the artist in the car. When you're by yourself, you can slip out of the arena faster because you can dip, dodge, slide and twirl around everyone to the exit. You're also blasting music in your earphones, hyped about the past 90 minutes. It's pretty much the same thing.
All in all, go to a concert by yourself, go to a movie, a show, an exhibit. Make a day out of it. Go get that treat that is in the area or that new Thai place you've been meaning to try and just couldn't get there. Make the experience supremely satisfying and you will enjoy every aspect of the evening.
Where have you gone by yourself and really enjoyed it? Is there a show you would see by yourself? Tell me about it.