There are just some things you should keep to yourself.
For the most part, I like everyone to be on the same page about everything. However, there are some things that I have started to keep to myself. I wish this was a post about some insidious secret I've been guarding but it's less exciting than that.
When something exciting was in the pipeline or about to happen, I was the first person to tell everyone. Not in a boastful way, but if you asked me how my day was going, I would say something like : "It's great! I'm about to look at this apartment, I'm sure to get" or "Going for a new job" or maybe "I've started talking to this new guy and it seems to be going really well". But then I found myself having to keep everyone updated because they were genuinely interested. And if things fell through, I'd feel terrible, like I failed because I didn't see this "thing" through.
SO I tried a new approach. I wouldn't mention something until it actually came into fruition. Instead of saying., "I'm going to look at an apartment, I would say, I move into my place on xyz"
So...what had happened was....
To me, it cut down on a lot of the back and forth. I don't like to be asked a lot of questions (weird, I know) but I felt like I would fail if something didn't happen the way I thought it would. I don't like that feeling, I don't think anyone does, so why not cut down on it? If people don't know what's happening, there's no one to keep updated if it doesn't happen. However, if it does pop off, you can celebrate with everyone you tell because the victory has already happened.
I don't mean don't tell anyone, anything ever, there are some situations when sharing helps. Sometimes you need to let people know about something just to help yourself along. Like looking for a new job, a lot of it is networking so of course, talk to people. This is just my personal experience. There are certain situations that you just have to gauge in the moment because bear in mind, not everyone is rooting for you. There are people out there who do not want to see you win. They aren't happy for you and they don't want you to move forward and lap them. I used to talk to someone that always had SOMETHING to say, when I had news. I would tell her my exciting news, like a new place, a new job, a new lover, anything and it was always: "Oh, that's cool but for that price you could do so much better." or "He's alright", "Or you could do so much better" Well, I'm doing me so let me live! There is always someone willing to pour salt on your sweets. Don't let them.
Tell those you trust...
Keep your crew in the know. Those who can give you unbiased opinions and will inherently cheer you on. However, sometimes it's good to go into Stealth Mode. Just do your thing. As I've started doing it, I notice other people do it too! It may go as "not counting your chickens before they hatch" but I notice I hear of a lot of BIG moves when they've already happened and we're celebrating the outcome.
So keep your secrets Squares, it's A-OK. Move in silence if you must but just let me know where we're having these celebratory drinks when you kill the game!