Who You?

Really...tell me more.

Really...tell me more.

I'm cryptic, shady and secretive. I'm a poser.  I'm a prude and I'm a whore.  I'm mean and detached.  I'm generous and loving. I'm honest and funny.  I'm confrontational and I'm aloof. I'm bold (read: bitch) and I can't possibly be happy ALL the time, I'm just fronting.  These are just a few things I've been labeled or people have told me to my face.  My response was usually the face to the left, but now a mere shoulder shrug is what you get.  Simply put, I believe in minding my own business. I'm just over here in my own little part of the universe getting my life together.  I value privacy, I don't pry (they read as: I don't care). I believe in reciprocity.  Do unto others as you would like done unto you.  All that jazz.  

I've learned you really can't please everyone.  You can please most...but not all.  Someone will always have a problem with you.  You're bound to rub somebody the wrong way.  It just happens.  I've had friends tell me, "I thought you were such a bitch before I got to know you.  You just look so...you know."  No, I don't know but whatever, to know me is to love me....OBVIOUSLY :p  

I guess I am all of those things listed above.  At least little bits and pieces that make up my personality.  We all are though!  It bothered me, for sure, however, I realized that I have to like me more than anyone else does. Me changing for someone else doesn't make sense to me, for me.  I understand being influenced by someone, liking a trait or style and emulating it a bit; but you gotta make it your own.  Example:  girl who loves brights and glitter and unicorns and flowers, meets a new guy and they're smitten even though he's into all things Horror and Death.  They get together and now she's completely Goth and can't stand when girls wear anything lighter than burgundy.  Girl BYE!  If he likes you he will incorporate some of you into himself and you can wear your pink tutu with some Doc Martens -- stay true to you.  Don't change your essence, your spark, you're YOU-NESS for anyone. Don't get me wrong,  you're allowed to (supposed to) change and evolve but... 

stay true to what makes you the only YOU we have on Earth.  Don't cheat us of that!
When someone says they don't like me...just cause.  

When someone says they don't like me...just cause.  

I treat others how they treat me.  If you see me not feeling somebody, there's a reason.  I don't hold grudges but I remember EVERYTHING.  I let people dictate how I treat them, because I'm going with the flow. You're super warm and loving towards me, you're getting hugs all the time.  You only text when it works for you, I will answer when it's good for me.  No shade, no heat - just quid pro quo. 

You know what? I'm all of the above and more.  You don't have to like me, that's cool.  But you will respect the fact that I kinda (read: REALLY) don't care.  Neither should you because stressing over what people think about you is too time consuming. There's too much life to get to just sit there and stew over why some Shady McShade got a screw face on.  That's a personal problem.  

They're gonna talk regardless of what you do, so do what you want.

"What people in the world think of you is really none of your business.” - Martha Graham

Shine on you little glitter bomb you!


Tell me what people have said about you.  Do you agree?  Working on it?  or Werking it? 
