Gasp! That title sounded really intense didn't it?
I guess it can be, there can be an intensity to the feelings of mediocrity we may feel because we aren't at the place we'd imagine we'd be by a certain time. Failure might be a word you'd use to describe yourself if you haven't achieved everything you've wanted. You look around and see everyone "succeeding" and you seem to be falling behind. I've felt this. I've felt the pang of jealousy that creeps in ever so quickly when someone I know has had a breakthrough so seemingly easy. We've all been there, it's ok -- Jealousy is normal. It's letting you know that you need to get your act together if you want what someone else has. However, don't let that jealousy linger -- their achievement is theirs because they worked for it. You may not have seen the sweat, tears, frustrations and discouragement - all you saw was the celebration.
Don't sit back and sulk saying: "it's not fair! why does he/she get that and I don't?" Use it to fuel your drive. Use them as inspiration because someone is always doing better. ALWAYS. Just run your race, trust the timing of your life. I have to tell myself this almost everyday. Am I where I want to be? No. Am I on my way there? Yes! You have to come to the understanding that you are in charge of you. You can change anything you want about your life. Maybe not drastic changes but changes nonetheless.
What is meant for you is yours and no one can take it from you.
We get so bogged down by all the trappings of “success”. You need to do xyz by a certain time. You need to make "this" amount by this age, you need to have all of these things crossed off your list by that age. I have to be honest, when I hit 30, the number of f@%s given plummeted. It's been the best year of my life, simply because I made it a point to let go of the pointless constraints I put on myself.
Let it go! It’s easier said than done, but when the only competition you have is the person in the mirror, your race is much more meaningful.
I'm usually taking in the view from my place when I tell myself what's on the left. In a city that wants to make us perpetual roommates, I live here by myself and have a job that supports this habit. I'm doing good.
Focus on being better than yesterday, last week, last month, last year.
There are days when I take a beat….a breath and realize: “Hey, you know what? You did good kid!” You have a roof over your head, a job you like and your bills are paid.
Maybe I haven't been able to get to Australia for the past couple of years (sorry Square Summers! I’ll be there soon ) but I can still work on it. I'm still doing well for myself. Every day, I make sure to do one thing that gets me closer to my goal. It's going to happen because there's no other option if you put in the work.
Don’t hang your head, you need to hold it up high so you can keep your eyes on what’s ahead.
I gave myself whiplash tryna be cute :)