Well, that was an interesting weekend!
When someone invites you to an early morning dance party on a boat, you just go.
You get up pre-dawn, you get dressed in the dark and you just go.
WERKING IT and then going to work...it was a headpiece kind of day.
It all kicked off with a poppin' morning rave with Daybreaker. Sailing down the Hudson with a bunch of people who just want to welcome the dawn with some hugs and killer moves is just the way I like it. There wasn't much ego in the place which was nice, everyone was just vibing out on coconut water and chocolate. I know it sounds crazy but a sober rave is lots of fun! Promise! If you've made it to the party on time and are dressed to party, you're so amped to begin with that you don't need any alcohol. Also, watching the sun rise from the top deck of a cruise was not too shabby. I met some friends and made some new ones! Then I booked it up to midtown to go to my desk job.
I wish mine looked this tame and festive....
Friday night saw me entering a corn maze; like...why? I don't know why I do these things to myself. I don't like being snuck up on; so of course I go to a place where that's what I'm paying them to do. Sigh... I've never screamed so much in my life. On our way to the place my friends and I were like, "yea, this is going to be terrifying, I'm scared.. Can we turn back? I should've turned back. All I know is, if someone is coming after me in the woods, they better be a track star because I've never run a sprint so fast.
The werewolf had to break character to tell us to "Take a moment; it's OK, you're alright".
This guy had to stand there in the dark of night in a corn maze, in a werewolf costume and help me through my Lamaze breathing. Just think about that a minute; HA! You'd think we'd have enough but we had to follow that with a haunted house. Which, in my personal opinion, fell short of the corn maze, there's something about being in a maze of maize (you see what I did there?) and only seeing dark figures rush at you with the sounds of chainsaws revving up that really does something to me. It was horrifying and hilarious.
She's a mouse...Duh! I'm Insane!
I have to admit my soul was exhausted on Saturday. All I could muster was the energy to make breakfast and work my Netflix. But alas, Halloweekend was calling and it was time for the next party. I went over to a pre-game with one of the cutest girls I know. Do you remember that scene in Mean Girls when Cady arrives to the party in full bride of Horror regalia, and the other girls are like, "why are you dressed so scary?!" I got those vibes! Everyone was so cute and I was so...not. But that was all in the past when the shots came out. I'm really glad I made the effort to get to know new people and trust someone else's judgement when it came to the next party to go to. I ended up on a rooftop in BK, with a male Snow White tending a pot of fresh apple cider. It was such a Brooklyn party ,lol -- I don't remember staying long but the Uber tells me I was there till about 2:30am...so there's that. I got to the next party which I missed completely and promptly fell asleep on the ride home...like mouth open, dead to the world sleep. Sheesh!
Sunday the sun rose and so did I. It was time for all the grease and carbs. Daddy Dover took care of that! Shouts to the real MVP!
On Halloween Monday, the ghouls and goblins parade down the streets; its a shit show but it's OUR shit show. After about 2 hours I was over it and went back to bk. I had some drinks at a new (to me) place; when I walked in the place was dead (get it?) except for one man who seemed to be finishing his dinner. He was in a powdered wig; straight out of the Madonna Vogue video. I liked this place immediately. I caught up with an old acquaintance and we started shooting off ideas and you guys will see some of those soon. It's amazing the things and people you will discover if you just let yourself. I never would've thought the conversations I had last night would be so insightful and frankly, Inspiring.
Dearly Departed, we are gathered here today, to celebrate this thing called Life...
You've got to keep it going, November 1st is All Saints Day. Light a candle for your patron saint and get in tune spiritually. Which leads right into the Day of the Dead on the 2nd. Light a candle for those you've lost - young and old. I think it's a nice way to close the Halloween season. Remember those spirits that may be around you all year round but this is the time the veil is thinnest between our realm and theirs. Well, don't quote me on that, it just sounds right :)
Anyway... Halloweekend 2016 was lit! I hope you guys were scary, sexy, sassy, safe Squares who enjoyed themselves to the hilt!