We all have at least one. That dude you do-si-do with. You'll talk, hang out and then you don't; then you do again. Maybe it just ebbs and flows. Maybe you get in fights, you hate him and then he gets cute again in the summer Maybe you come back to each other after every other relationship you're in (separately) ends. Whatever it may be, you have a boomerang boy in your life.
It may seem like I'm giving them a negative connotation but I don't think they're all bad. If he's a jerk; mistreats you and uses you - then yes, he's a terrible person and you should defenestrate him from your life immediately!
Sidenote: look up the word defenestration - it is my favorite word in the dictionary. Anyway, no one who mistreats you should be allowed back into your life if they show no change.
But there are those guys who for whatever reason: he doesn't want to commit, you don't want to commit, life has gotten in the way (as it likes to often do) you guys don't make it official. It never seems to be a problem though, you guys enjoy each other's company. You have a good time. Then it goes away again. I've had this happen to me with a couple guys. I can hear my girlfriends now: Don't waste your time! It's always something with him, so ya'll together this time?
Sigh...honestly, it's just fun.
Just enjoy the ride for what it is....
It's been fun to just enjoy someone in the moment for what it is. No strings attached, just a relaxed atmosphere, some jokes and a poke (hee, hee) I feel like guys get to be very fluid with their relationships statuses, or lack thereof; while women have to always have something defined. Are you friends, friends with benefits, f***buddies, chillin, talking, messing, coolin'. Who cares? You like it? Keep it up. Enjoy yourself and then enjoy the time away. Perhaps he's not the one but he's the one right now and right now may just be a week or a month. Until he breezes through again, if he does. Or maybe it's you! Maybe you're the boomerang girl, who likes to go away for a little bit; you go explore other places and people and then you find yourself back with the "sometimes boo". I say DO IT!
As long as no one is being led on, it's all good. Don't string people along because that's hurtful, but if you both understand that this is just the way you two work, who can stand against that? If the two people involved are fine with it? What does it matter.
You should only end it if it no longer serves you. This may be the last time, but maybe not and that's what makes it work doesn't it? Having that freedom; that understanding that you can put it down or keep it going as long as you two want. I think these things will phase themselves out at some point. Either you'll get together or not. As long as you're OK with either outcome, do what makes you happy. It's summer time, cuffing season is o-vah!
Play on squares!