Y'all to do more.
Y'all to want more.
Y'all to be more.
Y'all to check these dudes...
Y'all to BOSS UP!
I need my girls to get up there and shine! Be aggressive! Go for what you want. I know...I know:
"That's easier said than done! It's easy to talk about it but its hard out here, Squared!"
You are absolutely right! It's hard. It's hard and messy and frustrating but it's also really empowering to achieve something you really want! I went for a new job recently and it scared me. I was so happy (read: comfortable) where I was that, I tried to talk myself out of this new opportunity. Six weeks in and I'm so happy I made the change. Yes, there have been difficulties and stressful times but I feel like I made the right move. That feeling is priceless; knowing you took an opportunity that was scary; it was unknown and you just jumped for it and you're on this new plane.
I looked up the word "BOSS" on Google images, all I saw were men. If you add the word "Woman" after it, you know what you get? Images of perfume...PERFUME! Then down the line it's Meryl Streep in the "Devil Wears Prada". So a boss is a man, a scent or a bitch....great. This is what we have to deal with.
Now, when I say "Boss Up", I don't necessarily mean you need to be overseeing other people, or need to be a mogul. I want you to be the boss of your life.
What you say goes!
If something isn't going quite the way you want it to, assess the situation and rectify it. If something is a liability, a company doesn't keep it because "it doesn't want to be mean" or "but I will come off as a bitch" NO. They are protecting their bottom line.
Your bottom line should be your happiness.
On the daily...
If I relationship isn't going the right way -- if you don't feel appreciated or being treated as equal -- it's time to reassess and reorganize. If that doesn't work, I guess we need to restructure, read: fire a bum! You're not being paid enough? As a woman, I know that's a struggle we all face, go in there and always negotiate. You may not get it but ASK ANYWAY! You're not being a bitch and you're not being greedy! You know what you're worth. Fight for it!
Don't worry if other people don't "get it" or think it's weird or crazy. If it works for you, do it. You're not living for them because honestly. everyone out here is struggling with something. EVERYONE. We all have different problems with different solutions so do what you know will work for you.
Don't listen to people who tell you you're crazy for doing it your way: Two part time jobs instead of one full time, open relationships, no kids, artificial insemination, May-December relationships; any of it. Do what works for you because at the end of the day you are the one who has to look yourself in the mirror. You lay with yourself at night, you're with you at the end. So Boss up for you!
I'm going to need you to get uncomfortable, I need you to start getting your life right now. I'm getting mine and it feels amazing! Do I have everything I want?
No, not at all...
Not even close... I have to report to work every day and when I come into this office, I give "Office Realness" all day. I am there and I am present. This job supports my habits of fabulocity when I'm off the clock, but trust and believe that I'm here because I want to be. I like my day job. It's works for me and it's the best way for me to work on what I want, outside of work hours. This job is financing (paying the bills, because yes bosses pay those) what I want to do with the rest of my life. So...no, I don't have it all but I feel good knowing that every day I'm doing at least one thing that brings me to full realization. It's a good feeling and I've been hearing too many of my ladies not feeling that.
So this is a call to arms...Get in Formation!
See it, want it, stunt on it; dream it, work hard and grind 'til you own it!
or be eliminated....
Just a little tidbit: Don't let someone who has it together already make you feel like you're slow or you're late. Everyone has their time. Your year may be 2018, but that doesn't mean wait until then. No that means, do what you have to do now so that when your time DOES come, you are ready to SMASH IT!
Tell me your thoughts below.
- xoSquared